Pro Tip: What is Your Favorite Tradition at a Wedding?

  • June 1, 2023
  • /   Dubsdread Catering
  • /   planning-catering,weddings
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When planning their event, our Dubsdread Catering Team gets asked for their opinions on everything from cakes to flowers, to food. One of the questions our team gets asked about often is wedding traditions. Which ones to incorporate and the best ways to do so. Above all, they are often asked which one is their favorite. So, we thought we’d ask our team to share their thoughts here for your consideration. 

Peighton Ballant: I love when couples do a first look! The photos are always so cute and getting the opportunity to see each other beforehand gives them a special moment together and frees up time later in the agenda for other things!  

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Christiana Bullard: When the father gives away his daughter at the ceremony. It’s always emotional and symbolic.tradition 3

Shanna Paris: I’d have to say the mother/son and father/daughter dances are my favorite. As a planner, I love to see what song they select for this. Also, the photos are always so special. tradition 9

Michelle Edmiston: One of my favorite traditions is watching the bride walk down the aisle and getting to see everyone’s emotions and reactions.

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David Osmola: I would say that I love when the new couple is being announced for the first time as they enter into the room. It’s just a nice energy level.tradition 6

Carissa Llewellyn-Burns:  I really like the new tradition of a Bridesmaid’s First Look. It is so fun! The bridal party are your closest friends and biggest supporters so it’s just a fun moment to watch them get to see the bride for the first time.tradition 5

Kristen Berry: I absolutely love the couple’s first dance!

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So, there you have it! The wedding planning pros from our team on their favorite wedding traditions!

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